How to become a member of Diabetes Québec?
We have two types of membership, with different benefits. Choose the one that matches your situation.
Individual member: for people with diabetes or their loved ones
For $20 per year, you get the following benefits:
- 4 issues of the DIA·LOGUE magazine, exclusive to Diabetes Québec members (available in FRENCH only);
- Access to the IRIS Advantage program from IRIS The Visual Group;
- Access to the Peace of Mind Program from Lobe. For more details, make an appointment at the clinic by calling 1 866 411-5623.
- Access to the Advantage Partner Program from Strøm spa nordique;
- Access to the Advantage Program from Amerispa;
- Access to the Advantage Program from Securiglobe travel insurance;
- Access to the Advantage Program from l’Ordre des podiatres du Québec;
- Access to the Nautilus Plus benefits program. Go to your member area by clicking here and select the “Privilèges” tab to take advantage of these benefits. Note: We recommend that you consult a physician before beginning any physical activity program.
Note: Membership and renewal fees do not qualify for a tax receipt.
Health care professional member:
For $35 per year, you get the following benefits:
- 4 issues of the DIA·LOGUE magazine, exclusive to Diabetes Québec members (available in FRENCH only);
- Access to the IRIS Advantage program from IRIS The Visual Group;
- Access to the Peace of Mind Program from Lobe. For more details, make an appointment at the clinic by calling 1 866 411-5623;
- Access to the Advantage Partner Program from Strøm spa nordique;
- Access to the Advantage Program from Amerispa;
- Access to the Advantage Program from Securiglobe travel insurance;
- Access to the Advantage Program from l’Ordre des podiatres du Québec;
- Access to the Nautilus Plus benefits program. Go to your member area by clicking here and select the “Privilèges” tab to take advantage of these benefits. Note: We recommend that you consult a physician before beginning any physical activity program;
- Diabetes Québec’s quarterly professional newsletter – available in FRENCH only.
Note: Membership and renewal fees do not qualify for a tax receipt.
Hope creators (Créateurs d’espoir)
This program gives you the opportunity to become a Hope creator for all people living with diabetes in Québec.
How to contribute?
By clicking here or by contacting us at 514 259-3422 or 1 800 361-3504, ext. 227.
Simply determine the amount of your monthly contribution. At the end of the year, you will receive the tax receips to which you are entitled. This will help us reduce our administration costs.
You may cancel or modify your contribution at any time by notifying Diabetes Québec.
Let’s create hope together!
Gift membership
Encourage and support someone suffering from diabetes with a one-year $20 gift membership. We will send them a letter on your behalf, and they will enjoy all the benefits of an Individual membership.