2021 : The 100th anniversary of insulin
2025 scholarships
6-Step Analysis of the Ambulatory Glucose Profile
A medicine’s journey
About diabetes and diabetes statistics
About Diabetes Québec
Adapt your recipes
Adopting better lifestyle habits
Alcohol and diabetes
Alcoholic coffees
All about injections
An agressive treatment for the remission of type 2 diabetes?
Antidiabetic drugs
Antihyperglycemics Deprescribing Algorithm
Applications to facilitate the calculation of carbohydrates
Associated diseases
Become a member
BETTER registry for people living with type 1 diabetes
Blood donation
Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring Booklet
Board of directors
Body care
Buying travel insurance
Cannabis and diabetes
Cardiovascular disease prevention: decision tool support
Celebrating Easter with diabetes
Celiac disease and diabetes
Childhood obesity
Christmas and the Holiday season
Clothing and items donations
Coconut oil
Coffre à outils diabète
Cold, flu and other infections
Complications related to diabetes
Contact us
Controlling your blood pressure
Coping with a diabetes diagnosis
Coping with stress
COVID-19 and medical supplies
COVID-19 update
COVID-19: the risks for people with diabetes
Creators of Hope
Daycare, School and Holiday Camps
Delayed or early meals
Dental hygiene and diabetes
Diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Diabetes and depression
Diabetes and renal (kidney) Dialysis
Diabetes and the eyes
Diabetes and urinary tract infections
Diabetes at the sugar shack
Diabetes at the supermarket
Diabetes complications
Diabetes in numbers
Diabetes in questions
Diabetes management
Diabetes Québec's diabetes toolbox
Diabetes symptoms
Diabetes-related distress assessment tools
Diabetic emergencies
Diabetic foot
Dietary fibre
Driving and diabetes
Eating at a low cost
Eating disorders in people with diabetes
Energy density
Enjoy safe sun
Erectile dysfunction
Events, parties and celebrations
Fasting blood tests and diabetes
Female sexuality and diabetes
Finance and insurance
Financial assistance and diabetes
Flax, chia and hemp seeds
Food labels
Foot care
For health professionals
For the caregivers
Frequently Asked Questions
Frozen desserts
Frozen shoulder
Fundraising activities
Fundraising trip
Generalized anxiety and diabetes
Gestational diabetes
Gestion médicamenteuse du diabète de type 2 en UCDG
Get involved
Give your birthday as a gift
Glucagon: hyperglycemic medication
Glycemic control and pharmacotherapy
Glycemic index
Greek yogurt
Halloween and the diabetic child
Health and social services: the right to lodge a complaint
Help your Child Deal with Pain
Helping your child Learn to be independent
History of diabetes
Homemade soups
Hot drinks
How to choose a whole-wheat bread
How to choose the best breakfast cereals
How to have healthy skin
How to help ?
How to Reach Us
Hyperglycemic emergencies
Hyperglycemic medications
Hypoglycemia in an individual with diabetes
Hypoglycémie - Outils d'évaluation des attitudes et comportements
I am a caregiver
I am a professional
I live with gestational diabetes
I live with prediabetes
I live with type 1 diabetes
I live with type 2 diabetes
Iced drinks
In-person training for professionals
INESSS: Avis - Évaluation des systèmes de pompes à insuline chez les patients atteints du diabète de type 1
INESSS: Avis - Transplantation des îlots de Langerhans
INESSS: Protocole médical national - Ajustement de la médication antidiabétique dans le diabète de type 2
INESSS: Self monitoring of blood glucose
InfoDiabetes Service
Information on diabetes
IRCM's educational videos
Job offers
Ketogenic diet
Le jeûne intermittent
Legumes and Pulses
Living with a person with diabetes
Living with diabetes
Lunch box
Make raw vegetable dips at home
Maple Syrup : not a miracle food after all
Meal replacement for people with diabetes
Meat and its Alternatives
Medical exam for a new job
Medical identification
Medication and insulin
Milk and its Alternatives
Modify your contact details
Morning hyperglycemia
Natural health products
Omega-3 Fats
Online Chat
Organize a fundraising activity
Organize an activity
Other types of diabetes
Other types of diabetes
Our Impact Report
Our mission, our vision, our values
Participate to research
Periodontitis: a Type of Gum Disease
Physical activity
Physical activity: recommendations for adults
Physical activity: recommendations for children
Physical activity: warnings and safeguards
Physical Activity: Warnings and Safeguards
Plain French-style fresh cheese
Planning your trip
Plein Soleil magazine
Position statements
Poste de commis à l'administration
Pregnancy and hormonal changes
Pregnancy in women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes
Press releases
Priviledges for the members
Professional Council of Diabetes Québec
Puberty in young diabetics
Public Kiosks
Public services directory
Québec healthcare system demystified
Ramadan and diabetes
Ramadan and type 2 diabetes
Raymond Bouchard, former spokesman
Rencontres du premier type 2024
Renew your membership
Research news
Research project to reduce hypoglycemia
Research project to reduce hypoglycemia
Research support
Restaurant meals
Rights of a person living with diabetes
Risk factors (type 2 diabetes)
Screening and diagnosis
Screening and diagnosis of type 2 diabetes
Self-monitoring of blood glucose
Setting goals
Sick days
Site Map
Spa, sauna and massage therapy
Special notebook on the 100 years of insulin
Spices and culinary herbs
Statistics on diabetes
Stress and diabetes
Sugar substitutes
Sugar Substitutes
Support program
Surveillance de la glycémie
Surveillance report on the evolution of gestational diabetes in Quebec
Target Blood Glucose Levels
Target blood glucose levels
Team Directory
Terms of use
The benefits of physical activity
The composition of food
The DASH diet
The diabetes diet
The Injection Technique Forum (FIT) - 4th Edition
The Mediterranean diet
The Skyr
The Somogyi effect or Rebound hyperglycemia
The treatment of diabetes, from 1921 to today
Throwing Away Needles
Tobacco and diabetes
Training for people living with diabetes
Transplantation of pancreatic islets
Type 1 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea
Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents
Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents
Types of research
Understanding and treating hyperglycemia
Understanding and treating hypoglycemia
Use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs
Vegetarianism and diabetes
Want to give a few hours of your time?
Weight management
Weight management in adults
Well-being and mental health
What about frozen dishes in individual portions?
What is Diabetes?
What is diabetes?
What is insulin?
What is research?
Where to find a health professional
Where to start?
Who are we?
Why insulin can become necessary for a person living with Type 2 diabetes
Women living with type 1 diabetes needed - Survey on physical activity during pregnancy
Yeast infections and diabetes
Your Members' Area is under construction
2023 Scholarships and grants contest
2025 scholarships: stay tuned
5th edition of the Invitation Côté in support of Diabetes Québec
A 4th edition for the Invitation Côté golf tournament!
A challenge in the heart of the Himalayas: Nepal, 2019 (in French only)
A deputy marks World Diabetes Day in front of National Assembly
A new vision of type 1 diabetes
Adults living with Type 1 diabetes wanted – Learning algorithm study
Adults living with Type 2 diabetes wanted – Cardiovascular event prevention study
Adults wanted – Type 2 diabetes and depression study
Adults wanted – Type 2 diabetes remission study
Are you a member of Diabetes Québec?
Are you using NOVORAPID, HUMALOG, or LANTUS? The transition to biosimilars is upon us!
Athletes living with type 1 diabetes wanted
BETTER registry for people living with type 1 diabetes
Blood donation and diabetes: criteria lightened at last!
Calling all people living with T1D and T2D in Québec
Challenge to the land of Zeus: Crete, 2017 (in French only)
Change in RAMQ coverage of Humalog 100 U/mL insulin
Charity trek in Montenegro 2022 - Join the adventure!
COVID-19 Update
COVID-19: the risks for people living with diabetes
COVID-19: the risks for people with diabetes
Creation of a support program for people living with diabetes
Dexcom G6 now covered by RAMQ
Diabetes Medication Tools
Diabetes Québec announces grants of $50,000 and $100,000 for research!
Diabetes Québec at the National Assembly in Québec
Diabetes Québec charity trip to Andalusia in 2024 (in French only)
Diabetes Québec most recent actions
Diabetes, highlighted in the federal budget
Discontinuation of the sale of injectable Glucagon from Eli Lilly
Dr Rabasa-Lhoret answers your questions about diabetes and COVID-19
Dr. Rémi Rabasa-Lhoret, new president of the professional council of Diabetes Québec
El camino del Inca, Peru, 2013 (in French only)
Federal tax credit (DTC): Automatic for people living with type 1 diabetes
FreeStyle Libre 2 now reimbursed by the RAMQ
Get vaccinated against flu and pneumococcus!
Glucagon nasal powder now available in Canada!
I'm running for Diabetes Quebec this weekend!
I'm running to support Diabetes Québec!
Iceland 2015 (in French only)
In November, lets talk diabetes!
InfoDiabetes Service
Interview with Dr. Rémi Rabasa-Lhoret on 98.5 fm
Lettre to the Health Minister
List of participants in the blue illumination on November 14, 2023
Looking for volunteers with T1D to test an application to facilitate carbs calculations
March: Nutrition month
Montenegro : the end of Europe (in French only)
Montreal sparkled in blue on November 14, 2022
Montreal sparkles in blue 1st edition
Montreal sparkles in blue 2nd edition
NAFLD & NASH SUMMIT - Virtual formation on Dec 1st
NAFLD & NASH SUMMIT – virtual training on December 7, 2023
New 2018 Guidelines
New criteria for reimbursing glucose test strips
New monthly donation program: Créateurs d'espoir (Hope Creators)
New recipe book!
New statistics on diabetes in Québec
NEW! A look at the diet of people living with diabetes
November is Diabetes Awareness Month
November: Diabetes Awareness Month 2021
Objective: Great Wall - China, 2011 (in French only)
ODNQ Position Statement - Low-Carbohydrate Diets and Diabetes
Participants wanted – Ketone body metabolism study
Participants wanted – Muscle metabolism study
Participate in the Montreal Heart Institute's COLCOT-T2D clinical study
PCDQ's opinion on biosimilar insulins
People living with type 1 diabetes wanted – Project BETTER
Plein Soleil Magazine - 2023 Summer edition
Plein Soleil magazine - Fall 2022 edition
Plein Soleil magazine - Summer 2022 edition
Plein Soleil magazine - Winter 2021-2022 edition
Plein Soleil Magazine - Winter 2022 edition
Position on tax credits for people living with insulin-dependent diabetes
Position statement of the Diabetes Québec Professional Council – Adults living with diabetes must be given priority for COVID-19 vaccination
Position statement on the introduction of a tax on sugary drinks dedicated to prevention in 2022
Position statement on vaccination of people living with diabetes - Addendum
Prediabetic and diabetic adults wanted – Hearing functions study
Promoting research is part of Diabète Québec's mission
Re-evaluation of the FreeStyle Libre 2 system by INESSS - Call for patient feedback
Recommendations for workers in connection with Covid-19
Rencontres du premier type 2023 – THE EVENT HAS ENDED
Research grants
Research grants 2023 (in French only)
Shortage of GLP-1 receptor agonists and related drugs (Ozempic®, Trulicity®, Victoza®, Mounjaro®)
Summer scholarships 2023
Support a participant of the trek in Andalusia
The flash glucose monitoring system is now covered
This winter, take an online course on diabetes with Universi-D
Type 2 diabetes - Participants sought for a study on the effect of footbaths on cardiometabolic health
Used syringes and needles
Video clips on mental health and diabetes
Video presentations of our 2019 and 2020 scholarship recipients
Volunteers wanted : Type 2 diabetes and food shopping experiences.
Watch the new video courses presented by Universi-D
World Diabetes Day - The discovery of insulin is 100 years old
Apple and cheddar bread pudding
Apple and cranberry pie
Asparagus cream soup
Banana and pineapple sorbet
Banana-oat muffins
Barley pilaf
Beef and vegetable stew
Beet and arugula salad with vinegar, poached egg and roasted walnuts
Butternut squash cream
Carrot cake
Chia and peach pudding
Chicken and almond stir-fry
Chicken tagine with lemon and olives
Cinnamon French toast
Cocoa and dates squares
Cold cucumber and avocado soup
Crisp broccoli and chickpea salad with curry
Crispy chicken salad
Dijon-honey chicken breast
Express iced coffee
Fruit milkshake
Green bean salad
Green beans Provençal style
Green flaked halibut with warm basil vinaigrette
Homemade pea soup
Indian lentil soup
Kefir chia pudding
Leek and sweet potato soup with turmeric-scented quinoa
Lemon chamomile, strawberry and fromage blanc granita
Lentil soup
Lentil spaghetti sauce
Local cretons
Low-fat macaroni and cheese
Minestrone soup
Mushroom, spinach and cheese curd risotto with roasted garlic
New potatoes with herbs
Nourishing vegetable, barley and lentil soup
Oat and sweet potato galette
Orange carpaccio
Overnight oatmeal with blueberries
Pancakes with chickpea flour
Pear-choco-ginger crumble
Pita bread chips
Pork tenderloin with Romesco sauce and ratatouille
Pork, squash and apple curry
Pumpkin and chocolate chip muffins
Pumpkin caponata
Quick muesli
Raisin squares
Raspberry smoothie
Refreshing chicken and pear salad
Roasted peaches with ginger
Rosemary pork chops
Salmon and cheese croquettes
Salmon chowder
Small red fruits with champagne sabayon
Spinach and orange salad
Tofu cream with banana and kiwi
Tomato and olive tapenade
Tomato, zucchini, goat cheese and basil clafoutis
Tortilla with eggs, vegetables and cheese
Tuna pizza
Vegetable cream
Vegetable salad
Vegetable, cheese and garden herb muffins
White bean and pasta soup
White bean salad
White bean, tomato and bocconcini salad
White cabbage cream with kale chips
Yogurt and mustard dressing
Yogurt parfait